Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Anticipating Christmas

Christmas Eve.  Sigh.  The presents are wrapped and most are under the tree.  In just hours most of them will be ripped open with smiles (I hope) and squeals of delight.  Christmas will reveal the true value of every gift in the eyes of each receiver. But we are fickle.  In a few weeks or months, what once was considered a treasured gift might be tossed aside as our affections are stolen away by something bigger or better. 

When my Heather was a little girl, she had one "bratty" Christmas that sticks in my mind and we still joke about today.  She had already opened an abundance of gifts at our home before arriving at her aunt and uncles.  They always lavished my kids with surprises (thanks to Aunt Connie) and both of my children looked forward to arriving for their 2nd round of gift receiving.  After opening the first gift, like it was nothing special, Heather spoke up "next!" As in next gift.  Total parental embarrassment.  And she didn't stop there.  "Next, next!"  She was underwhelmed by her gifts. Not because they weren't great.  She just wasn't satisfied.  To this day I have no idea what she was expecting!

Let's change scenes to Mary and Joseph. I wonder what their thoughts were as the time grew near for Christ's birth? Were they eagerly anticipating what was to come? Did they understand the magnitude of the gift that was about to enter into the world?  I think the answer would be all of the above - as much as their minds could hold of each emotion and with their human understanding of this miraculous event. They may have been "bratty" about many things before this but this night they were completely humbled.  Humbled to be a part of this part of God's plan...humbled to be chosen and entrusted with such a valuable treasure.  And I wonder if they would approve of how we celebrate Christmas?  Would they be disappointed? Would they see a humble people bowed on their knees in adoration?   As they held, cherished and cuddled Christ on that very first Christmas day, with full hearts, as well as full hopes and fears, with angels singing, shepherds worshiping, they knew no greater gift was coming, EVER.  And the world would never be he same. 

Christmas today looks more like hustle and bustle than the peaceful scene that is described in the book of Luke. Mega advertising for the latest and greatest begins as early as October! We over shop, overeat,  and deplete our bank accounts.  We are encouraged to say "Happy Holidays" instead of Merry Christmas for fear of not being politically correct or offending someone.  I dare say a Christmas in most of our homes could easily be called something else.  I dare say neither Mary or Joseph would want the name of Christ tagged to our celebrations in an after thought.

Christmas.  CHRISTmas.  Christ.  The reason we celebrate...or is it?  Are we, like Mary and Joseph, greatly anticipating the celebration of the King of all Kings?  If we are followers of Christ, we should be.  Or, is our true treasure wrapped in brightly colored paper, tagged and tucked under the tree?  Are we truly satisfied with the gift of Jesus Christ? Or are we continuing to look for something better? 

There is a gift that is better than any under your tree.  You only have to "open" it once.  There is nothing coming that will top it.  It is a gift that truly satisfies.  It will bring you immediate as well as continued satisfaction.  The gift is Jesus.  If you are reading this tonight, I pray you know Him.  I pray you are able to celebrate His birth in full knowledge the joy of belonging to Christ. If not, this precious gift is available to you right now! The gift of Christ has a "whoever" name tag.  Receive it with joy.

Luke 2

John 3

Acts 2:37-38


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Are You Spiritually Savvy?

Have you ever heard the old saying you can't teach an old dog new tricks?  Well, I would like to say you can teach an old dog new tricks...it just may take him a little longer to get it right. And if we are honest, sometimes he just plain old refuses to be taught. I am that old dog much of the time. 

Us old dogs don't seem to fit in with today's tech savvy society. The times "they are a changing!" rings true for the 60's generation.  We grew up in much simpler times.  The most technology we had at one time in our home was the TV in the family room and one of us kids served as the remote control :)!  If someone wanted to contact you, they did so on their rotary dial phone and that was your only contact outside of making personal visits.  When you sat down to dinner, you talked, ate and you WERE NOT allowed to answer a phone call if it happened to ring at dinner.  Now a days, we have to be skilled at computers to just simply send and read an email, be smarter than our Smart Phone, and know how to function through social media!  This old dog is learning but I surely haven't perfected my skills in this world of technology we reside in. 

We need to be savvy about spiritual things too.  Sometimes I look as if I am a real dunce.  I need a 101 class or a Spiritual Disciplines for Dummies or something.  I have the basic idea, but I forget how to operate day in and day out much of the time.   And I don't brush up on the "manual" enough to make sure I am doing it right or refer to it before attempting to just do it on my own.

With all of that said, I can do better. Not on my own mind you, but by relying on the Holy Spirit as my guide and God's Word as my manual.  If I am investing the time to learn properly in the first place, I am certainly going to catch on quicker as I am passionate about my desire to learn.  Sometimes these new truths are painful and we just want to run, hide, or pretend we are too dense to catch on.  Just as we must learn how to be tech savvy in order to communicate, work, play and live in today's world, we need to be even more devoted to the things of Christ Jesus.

I pray God never stops teaching me new things.  I pray that I will always be willing to listen when He speaks.  I pray I am not a resistant learner.  And when I realize what God is saying to me, that I will be so excited to receive what is revealed and more than eager to flesh it out in daily life. 

Today was a painful day of learning - learning what it means to communicate, to not make assumptions, to love, forgive, and to take the time to look at things through the eyes of Jesus.

I am on a journey to be more savvy in my walk with Jesus.  And, I am so thankful.

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Winner of the 12 Days of Christmas Bid-A-Way for Adoption is:

Brad Ryan!

Special thanks to each of you who entered the contest and for all of the merchant's who donated such fabulous gifts! 


Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Ultimate Gift

The Ultimate Gift 
Little baby, born a king
Holy infant of whom the angels sing.
No crown to wear, or kingly robe,
A bed of hay and swaddling clothes.
Great news you shepherds,
A story of old,
Long awaited coming,
Of prophets foretold.
Born to a virgin
First in line
A miracle of God
At just the right time.
God and man,
Prince of Peace,
Born to die
for even the least. 

Oh little baby
Nailed to a cross,
King of the Jews
They felt no loss. 
Wonderful counselor
Bread of Life
Do they know who you are?
Do they know for who you died? 

The Great I Am
Unmerited Grace
No ordinary baby
You took this sinner’s place!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

You can WIN! 12 Days of Christmas Bid-A-Way for Adoption Begins December 1!

The Bid-A-Way starts tomorrow, December 1!  Here is a review of the rules:

1.  The contest begins on December 1 and will run through December 12.  Enter as many times as you like to "up" your chances of winning from anywhere in the United States.  Each entry is $5Enter Here
2.  The winner will be announced on December 13 on this blog and on our Facebook Page. (***we reserve the right to extend the contest if we have not received adequate entries to raise optimal funds or until we are satisfied with the outcome***)
3.  All proceeds benefit adoption.
4.  The winner will receive ALL OF THE ITEMS.  You cannot "bid" on any 1 item.
5.  The winner will be chosen at random.

Here is a list of all of the items...remember the winner WINS THEM ALL!

1. Epiphone Electric Guitar Hand Autographed by Country Music's Montgomery Gentry
2. Amazon Fire HD6
3. Rick and Bubba Gift Set and FOUR GOLDEN TICKETS!
4. Soft Cover Fiction Book Hand Autographed by America's Favorite Fiction Christian Writer, Karen Kingsbury
5. Handmade Boutique Style Girls Outfit Made to Size (2t-5t)
6. 1 Set of Younique's 3D Lashes
7. $25 Dairy Queen Gift Card
8. $25 Sephora Gift Card
9. ESV Bible
10. Handstamped Mixed Metals Necklace with Inscription "love you more"
11. 1 Set of Childs PJ'S Made to Size and Personalized
12. Starbucks Breakfast Blend Whole Bean Coffee and Stainless Steel Travel Mug

This is a great opportunity to support adoption as well as get some GREAT gifts!  Happy bidding!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Contest Time and the WINNER will not be Disappointed!

The Twelve Days of Christmas Bid-A-Way to Benefit Adoption!

Enter Here

Who doesn't like to win something?  This is so easy and you have a chance to win some really GREAT items!  (Including a hand autographed electric guitar by Country Music's Montgomery Gentry!)

Beginning December 1, you will have the opportunity to "bid for a chance to win a "basketful" of goodies WINNER GETS ALL OF THE ITEMS!   Each $5 donation will give you a chance at winning. You can "bid" as many times as you like until midnight on December 12. The winner will be chosen at random and announced on this page and our Facebook events page by noon on December 13. All items will be posted before 8:00 AM on December 1! You can bid from anywhere in the United States so all of our Facebook friends have the chance to WIN! ***basket not included***

1. The contest begins at 12:01 AM on December 1. Entries are $5 for one chance, $10 for two chances, etc. Example: a $25 entry gets your name entered 5 times. A link is provided below for you to register/enter beginning December 1. DO NOT ENTER BEFORE DECEMBER 1.
2. You may NOT bid on individual items. The winner will receive ALL OF THE ITEMS in the Bid-A-Way.
3. Entries will be accepted until midnight on December 12. The winner will be announced ON THIS PAGE and the Facebook Page by noon on December 13.

***we must have atleast 500 entries for the contest to be successful.  We reserve the right to extend the contest dates to raise optimal funds.***

To Enter:
Click on the link and look for the PayPal button "The Twelve Days of Christmas Bid-A-Way:"  http://michelleticedoingithisway.blogspot.com/

Item #1:  This adorable girl's boutique style outfit has been generously donated by Alliebug Boutique!  The outfit will be made to size in 2t-5t (please note that the shirt may be in white).  Valued at $22.  Visit Alliebug's Facebook Store:  Alliebug Boutique
Item #2:  This beautiful handstamped jewelry piece has been donated by Sherri Wood with Southern Charm.  The necklace is offered in mixed metals with the inscription "love you more."  Valued at $30.  Visit Southern Charm's Facebook Store:  Southern Charm
Item #3:  Younique 3D Fiber Lashes donated by Valerie Crane! Includes transplanting gel and natural fibers to create the appearance of incredible thickness and volume to your existing lashes. Valerie is a wife and adoptive mother as well as a successful business owner.  Thank you Valerie for continuing to support adoption.  This mascara set is valued at $29.  Visit her Facebook page for more information:  https://www.facebook.com/vjcrane?fref=ts
Item #4:  Amazon Fire 8D6!  Crisp and vivid 6" HD display, front and rear facing cameras, 8GB.
For more information regarding this item, please visit:  Best Buy
A special thanks to Best Buy in Trussville for their awesome contribution! 
This item is valued at $100.  Color:  Black
Item #5:  This is for all the Dairy Queen fans!  Enjoy a $25 gift card to use at any DQ within the United States (that honors gift cards).  A big thanks goes out to John Wiles for such a sweet deal!  Please visit the following website to find a DQ near you!  Dairy Queen
Item #6:  Rick and Bubba is in the house!  A Rick & Bubba t-shirt, 5 CD's, hat, cup, and FOUR TICKETS TO THE RICK AND BUBBA SHOW!  With your tickets you'll be whisked inside the comfort of the studio, where you'll enjoy the show from your very own, super cushy studio theater seat! A special thanks to Greg Burgess and Speedy Wilburn for partnering with us through their donation!  For more information about the Rick & Bubba Show, please .visit their website: 
Rick & Bubba Show

Item #7: English Standard Version New Classic Reference Bible (Commemorative Edition). A special thanks to Lifeway in Trussville for their contribution! Valued at $30.
Learn more about this edition: Amazon

Item #8:  Hand Autographed by Country Music's Montgomery Gentry this Epiphone Limited Edition Electric Guitar in worn cherry nichol will make a great addition to your collection!  A special thanks to 102.5 the Bull for their generous donation! The Bull
Value: You Decide!
Item #9:  Hand autographed soft cover book by America's favorite fictional author, Karen Kingsbury!  Mrs. Kingsbury is also an adoptive parent of 3 boys from Haiti.  A special thanks to Karen and her mother, Anne, for their partnership in the adoption! 
Visit Karen's webpage: Karen Kingsbury
Value:  Priceless
Item #10:  Sephora Gift Card!  Must be used at a JC Penney's Sephora.  A special thanks to Sephora/JC Penney's Trussville for their generous donation!
Valued at $25
Item #11:  Children's Christmas PJ's mad to size and personalized!  These soft cotton PJ's are an awesome addition to our Bid-A-Way.  You are going to want a pair for the entire family.  Thanks to Sister Shirts for their support!
Valued at $25
Item #12:  Starbuck's Breakfast Blend Medium Roast Coffee and Stainless Travel Mug generously donated by Starbuck's in Trussville, Alabama.  You may take the bag of coffee to any Starbucks and they will be glad to grind it for you.
Valued at $32


Thankful Among the Chaos

November is a great month, don't you think?  In the south, the weather really starts to take notice of us and remembers that we too, need a change among the seasons.  It's a time for settling down and settling in as we look forward to Thanksgiving and then the Christmas Season. For a very short period, we get to see a burst of color here and there in the trees reminding us that nothing lasts forever, not even our glorious summertimes.  With the changes, a new season is ushered in.  A fresh, new, glorious season and an opportunity to be thankful.

This past November brought about so much busyness for me.  I coordinated a Christmas Craft and Home Show at my church.  I spent many hours emailing, advertising, contacting, and assigning.  I have continued to work part-time all while still keeping the grandkids a couple of days a week.  There is always Bible Study and Worship on Sunday and then the extra Bible studies I am a part of.  Ladies Night Out, having company over, birthdays, and other things keep us quite busy and sometimes distract us from keeping our eyes focused on the real goal. 

I am not complaining.  I have loved it all.  The Craft Show was a benefit for a couple adopting.  I got to meet so many new people and see God's hand at work.  My job offers the most flexibility of any job I know and I have a great boss to work for who is always willing to work with me and my schedule.  My Christian Life Group at church is one of my weekly favorites!  A time to get together and discuss real Biblical truths with people who are serious about living their life for Christ.  My other Bible studies offer me friendship, accountability, and a real look at the Christian life.  Ladies night out has offered me the chance to meet other kindred spirits as well as relax and laugh a little more than usual.  Birthdays, company, and grandchildren are all a celebration of life and require no explanation! 

With all that said, sometimes we forget that there is purpose. Not just in the glorious, fun or enjoyable, but even in the mundane. Wiping a toddler's nose with a very bad cold (lol), boring paperwork and computer work that makes your eyes burn and your head tired.  Daily job responsibilities that seem to have no end and no appreciation.  And sometimes, church and meeting with your faith family seems like a chore as you just want to put the covers over your head and roll over for another hour of sleep.  While these things may seem purposeless, it is where God has placed me.  It is where He has asked to use me.  If I view these things as mundane and forget the bigger purpose and plan, it becomes nothing more than a check on my to do list.  I need to remember to be thankful in the process, for it all, and see it in the scheme of the great and Almighty God I serve.  I need to be mindful of the glimpses all around me of God's hand and remember to not get so caught up in the detail that I forget the purpose.

I am thankful for the chaos of November.  I am thankful that busyness doesn't have to give way to more busyness but can come with a purpose and reward.  I am thankful for the learning experiences in November and for all of the people, places, and things God has used to teach me something I would not have otherwise learned while sitting on the sidelines.  I am thankful for the big picture...bringing glory to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ in all things...no matter how chaotic or ridiculous it seems at the time.  And I am reminded that while details are important, the purpose is greater.

What are you most thankful for this November?

Happy Thanksgiving!


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

There's a First Time for Everything

Well, here goes.  My first post.  What in the world could I possibly have to write about?  Well, I certainly am never at a loss for words. Ask anyone!  No one will ever say about me "she's quiet." And just maybe being a menopausal mom and Mimi (the 3 M's) will give you a chuckle or two. I am by the way, the mom of two beautiful children and the Mimi to two of the most STINKING ADORABLE grandloves ever!  I have a fabulous husband...really I do...and we all have a healthy sense of humor (hmmm...well, to our family it's considered healthy).

What I would really like to accomplish with this blog is to record how I grow.  Not in weight - I am doing that as we speak just from the Halloween candy I have consumed alone :-).  Not in inches - I am pretty sure I am shrinking.  But in character and faith, love and life...minute to minute, day to day, and if I can keep this up, year to year... as a wife and mother, Mimi, friend and family member, and most of all as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I would also pray that this blog would be an encouragement to whomever takes the time to read through it's pages.  That through my stories, experiences, and questions, you may find hope and courage in your daily life.

So bear with me, the 3M blogger, as I paddle my way through the murky waters of writing, for the very first time, for all to see.  It may be more like white water rafting at first.  But the stories and experiences will be mine, from my heart, for me and for you.
