Well, here goes. My first post. What in the world could I possibly have to write about? Well, I certainly am never at a loss for words. Ask anyone! No one will ever say about me "she's quiet." And just maybe being a menopausal mom and Mimi (the 3 M's) will give you a chuckle or two. I am by the way, the mom of two beautiful children and the Mimi to two of the most STINKING ADORABLE grandloves ever! I have a fabulous husband...really I do...and we all have a healthy sense of humor (hmmm...well, to our family it's considered healthy).
What I would really like to accomplish with this blog is to record how I grow. Not in weight - I am doing that as we speak just from the Halloween candy I have consumed alone :-). Not in inches - I am pretty sure I am shrinking. But in character and faith, love and life...minute to minute, day to day, and if I can keep this up, year to year... as a wife and mother, Mimi, friend and family member, and most of all as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I would also pray that this blog would be an encouragement to whomever takes the time to read through it's pages. That through my stories, experiences, and questions, you may find hope and courage in your daily life.
So bear with me, the 3M blogger, as I paddle my way through the murky waters of writing, for the very first time, for all to see. It may be more like white water rafting at first. But the stories and experiences will be mine, from my heart, for me and for you.
I think this is an excellent idea! And a wonderful first post! I'm excited to see what comes next...on the blog, in your life (since we can't seem to get together, ha ha!!), and with the fam!! Love you so much, Lis